Saturday, October 28, 2006


Well, I'm not the relationship expert, so I'm not going to
address how you should choose a woman to settle down with...

But I will comment on your question of whether or not there
is a point when you should stop "playing games" and "be
nice to these women".

The mindset and techniques that I teach are not my idea of
a "short term technique to get laid". Once you start using
the methods, you'll find that women respond to them on an
ONGOING basis. In other words, if you can keep up the
charming, Cocky and Funny attitude, it will keep a woman
feeling attracted to you FOREVER.

"Nice" is not a word that you want associated with yourself,
in my opinion. Women aren't ATTRACTED to guys who are "nice".

Be interesting, unpredictable... even thoughtful and original.

But don't be NICE.

Think about it.