Thursday, May 10, 2007


I have been a subscriber of your newsletter for a while
now. I have pretty much perfected your techniques and have
had tremendous success with them. One thing I recently
realized is that after you have them hooked you can keep
them on the line even more by using strange timing for
telephone calls etc. What I mean by this is that I have
found it beneficial to return their calls at weird hours
when you wouldn't expect them to be home or awake if they
are so that you leave a message. Then when they call about
half the time all I do is pick up the phone and say "can't
talk sorry bye," hang up, and go back to watching
sportscenter. The girls who are calling obviously want to
see more of you, so being hard to reach makes the game all
the livelier. If you mix being hard to reach with the
occasional phone call it seems like a shortcut to taking
it to a more physical level because they aren't sure when
they will see you next. I was wondering if you have used
this and if you think it is a good idea or if there is some
unforeseen way this could backfire?
