Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Now then Dave,

I'll keep it short but first want to echo the feelings of
everyone else on this e-mail by thanking you, your advice is
seriously changing my life. Your stuff is great for people
you've just met or that don't know you to well. However, I've
just got back in contact with a girl I used to work with 8
months ago. We got on great and regularly went for coffee on
our lunch breaks, so knew each other well. The only problem
was that at the time she was in a relationship, so I had to
fight the attraction I felt towards her. I have now found
out that this has recently finished and want to make a move
on her in the near future before someone else snaps her up.
I've been 'cocky and funny' with her since we met, so that
approach may be less effective than usual. Can you please
give me some tips in how to take this further than just

