Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi Dave,


Well, let me start with my story. I'm average guy, 22
years old. I always had the fear to approach beautiful
women. I'm funny by nature, but only with my friends.
I've totally changed my behavior with women, when I've
read your book. I now meet women on every step (bar,
caffe, library,...), using your C&F approach and a lot
of them are in my bed in a week or so. Now the only
problem at the moment is, that all of those women want a
commitment. But I would love to be just a "sex-buddy";).
Of course, they don't want to hear about that. So after
first sex, when I try to explain to her, what I want,
either she gets mad and I can go ;) or I am the biggest
male egoist... bla bla bla.

So, tell me, is there any way to do that with success?

Tnx again,

B. from Slovenia