Tuesday, February 20, 2007


. I know it's a bummer, but you might take comfort
knowing that this has happened to me and just about every
guy I know MANY times.

Let me take a shot at explaining what's going on here,
and hopefully help you and the others reading this to avoid
this kind of thing as much as possible in the future.

From my perspective, there are a few main issues going on
here all at once...

1) Women are complex and often illogical (so are men, but in
different ways).

2) Women are attracted to men for reasons that most men
either don't know, don't understand, or won't accept.

3) The way that women communicate isn't always as "direct
and straightforward" as most of us guys would like.

4) It's difficult to un-do one of these situations once it
has reached this point.

5) There are things you can do to avoid this kind of thing
in the future.