Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big difference, isn't it?

Here's one for you. Do nice women stay with jerks
because they feel affection for them? In most cases I'd
doubt it. It's because the jerk is ATTRACTIVE in one
way or another.

What I've done is take the parts of the 'jerk'
personality... the parts that are ATTRACTIVE to women,
and use just those without the ABUSIVE components.

Teasing, busting her balls, creating tension,
playing hard to get, not giving her what she wants,
being unpredictable, being cocky and funny are all
ways to push the "attraction buttons" without being
abusive or mean.

Then, it's up to YOU whether you'd like to buy
gifts, pay for dinners, and do favors. When gifts
and favors are presented in the context of being an
already attractive, cocky and funny man, then they
take on a whole new meaning. They lead to a stronger
feeling of affection, devotion and commitment...

WARNING: Don't turn into a wuss just because you
decide that you really like a girl. Don't start
calling her 47 times a day and saying "Ohh, baby I
really miss you." Use gifts, favors, and romance
like a spice... not the main dish.