Wednesday, March 07, 2007


If you want to go to the extra effort to cultivate actual
CONFIDENCE, then you need to realize something: Confidence
isn't a THING, it's a SKILL and a complex emotional/physical
state that can be learned, which can then be transferred into
an unconscious state and state of mind.

But there is another side to things...

WATCH OUT with confidence, because humans that become
confident often become intoxicated with their new-found
power, and they over-use or even abuse it. Overconfidence
leads to real arrogance... and to the dark side. So if
you're going to learn how to be confident, learn how to do
it in a way that respects other people, not in a way that
turns them into objects for you to manipulate.

As you learn these skills, don't get addicted to your own
power and let it turn you into a manipulator.