Tuesday, July 24, 2007


First of all, let's re-visit the original question and answer
that we're talking about... here it is again so we can review
before I make fun of you and your Wussy boyfriend:



I started to talk to this girl that i met when i went out
with one of my friends' brother. we went down town and hung
out. everything was going good and i got her # by the end of
the night. We hung out the next weekend and went to a club. we
got in the club and she asked for 6 dollars to by her a drink.
I asked her "what do i get out of it?" and there was the laugh
and then i decided to give her the money. after the club i took
her home with my friend and her friend. I asked her for a
Kiss goodbye she gave it to me. Then i told her that i was goin
to call her the next week because i knew of a party the
following week. After calling her next week i had trouble
getting a hold of her and she didn’t pick up her cell phone. It
has been about 2 weeks since i have talked to her. And the
weekend that she was suppose to hang out has just passed. Do u
see a problem in this or if i messed up some where?

thank you


Yea, as a matter of fact, I do see a problem.

What are you doing giving a woman six bucks for a drink?

You were SOOO right no target when you answered with "What do
I get out of it?" SHE LOVED IT!

But then you had to go and SCREW IT ALL UP by giving her the
money... ouch.

When she laughed you should have said "Well?"

And WHATEVER she answered with, you should have said:

"SORRY, not good enough... buy your own drink."


It makes you look like a WUSSY SCHMUCK BOY.

Oh, and will someone remind me to practice being more honest
and direct with people? I sometimes feel that I'm too shy
and don't want to hurt their feelings...


Now back to your comments and me making fun of you...

The advice I gave was RIGHT ON.

If a woman asks for money early on, then you need to either:

1) Cut her loose and run, hand on wallet, for the hills.

2) If you're feeling up to the challenge, then say something
very Cocky and Funny while refusing.

My advice was to follow up the question of "What do I get
out of it?" with "Sorry, not good enough... buy your own
drink", which is VERY funny when delivered with the correct
sarcastic tone.

It also raises the bar and says "What do you have me confused
for an ass-kissing loser who needs to buy your attention with
money? Here, let me fix that for you."