Monday, March 12, 2007


Hey Dave, I was just curious, i'm an average man who tells
jokes like crazy to girls, I make tons of people laugh and
friends with everyone. I can talk to a girl in a second but
some are harder then others, How do you get real secrets out
of them, and know what some deep things are about em. So I am
asking when I go up and make fun of them teasing and being
cocky, what are some more things I should say to get the
conversation rolling and want them to talk to me even more.
If I get a conversation its easy to tell a little joke here
and what are some easy ways to just to get an very
high interesting topic to talk to them about?

Thanks......... D


First of all, why do you want to know "deep" things about
a girl you've just met? And why do you want to get "real
secrets" about her?

Read my last comments above... just get the info!

You can follow up later, and if you want to know "secrets"
and "deep things", you can work on that later.

By the way, secrets and deep things are best not discussed
early on, unless you're trying to get into a relationship
in 5 minutes.