Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hey Dave,

Ive been reading your emails and i have been applying
some of it and i have found that most of it works. That is
great and all but I really don’t like being cocky and funny
i just like being my sweet self. i like complementing left
and right. What i wanna know is why do women like it when a
guy is a little rude or just plain "full of himself". And
another thing. Why is it that when a woman starts complaining
about her man or what ever why is it that women Say they want
a sweet and sensitive guy who respects her feelings? But in
reality she doesn’t. It really doesn’t make a whole lot of
sense to me.


DAL Florida


With all due respect, please do all the women you're meeting
a couple of favors:

1) Stop "complimenting left and right".

2) Stop being "your sweet self".

...unless, of course, you look like Brad Pitt or have over
$10 million dollars. In these cases, do whatever you want.

For the first several interactions with a woman (through the
first 10 dates or so), DON'T ACT LIKE A WUSSY!

When you act like a wuss and give lots of compliments, you
are doing what 98% of all the other guys she's meeting
are doing. You're being average. You're boring. You're
coming across as fake and weak.

If you want to know why it is that women are attracted to
jerks, then read my book or come to my seminar in New York.