Sunday, September 30, 2007


Just wanted to share a little bit of what your lessons have
done for me. I read your book and started concentrating on
what I thought was my weak points. I did as your book
recommended and started picturing myself as the cocky funny
person I wanted to be. I even did the whole daydream
practice thing everyday. I work at a fitness center so I
see lots of hot women all the time. My biggest weakness is
that I look away quickly after eye contact is made. I
decided that before I started trying to approach women I
would make it my goal for a couple of weeks to just make
eye contact and hold it until they looked away. Ok, here is
the good part. After practicing eye contact for a couple of
weeks and doing the whole mental exercise thing, I was at
work one day working out after my break and was practicing
my eye contact thing between sets with this really hot girl
near the dumbbell rack.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Oh, I smiled with joy when I read this one.

This woman has gone on to email me again twice ranting
about my newsletters and materials. The latest one was
a bizarre misinterpretation of a part of my book. It was

But let's stick to the email at hand...

And to be fair, I'll reprint the original section that
you're commenting on (before I mock you in front of many
thousands of male readers who are already biased against
you because they know I'm going to mock you):

Friday, September 28, 2007


Dear David,

One of my friends wants to slap the sh** out of you!
Your advice to the guy at the gym was totally out of line
and rude. The guy looked at a woman too long. The woman then
told him she had a boyfriend. He then said, "I realize that
is a major accomplishment for you, however, it it quite
normal for a woman to have a boyfriend."

First of all, the comment insinuates that the woman is
a lesbian, or does not deserve a decent guy in her life.
Lesbians in this country are in a minority and their rights
are protected by law. All women have the right to choose
their partner, whether male or female. Women also have the
right to choose the most compatible male available. This
person, in my friends opinion, does not deserve the time of
the day from that particular woman for being so insulting
to her face.

Second, the comment slaps the woman in the face.
The woman at the gym may have problems finding and keeping
a boyfriend. She may be shy. That comment is a good way to
injure a woman's delicate psyche.

I urge you to reconsider the advice given to that
man. I am not the only one to say this. Maybe you should
quit writing this column and give the job to a woman!!!

Thank You,


Belleview, Florida.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hm, first you tell me that Cocky and Funny rubs you the
wrong way, then you agree that it works, and even on men...
then encourage me to keep up the good work.

Hey, would you do me a favor and write a book teaching
women how to use your "Don't accept free drinks" technique?
I think it would go over very well!

No, really... I think you should do it. It's just the kind
of wisdom that our women of today need. And you're just the
person to do it. You'd be helping women all over the world.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I've never really liked your approach, even though I have no
doubt that it works... personally it rubs me up the wrong way,
and I'd rather go out with a guy who'd listen to my problems.
But hey, maybe I'm a one off. However, though I'm a girl I've
been trying out your C&F routine for a while. Funnily enough
it works just as well for men as it does for girls... I think
partly because guys are so shocked that a girl would go about
ball busting them, but also be flirtatious at the same time.
My favorite move is to always refuse any free drink offers,
yet keep up the C&F routine. ("why, do you think you have to
buy me or something?") It seems to send guys into a tailspin.
Keep up the good work.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thanks for your email. It's hard for some guys to even
entertain the idea that being Cocky and Funny with women
could actually make them feel ATTRACTION. I wouldn't have
imagined it in a million years...

But the fact is that even though it doesn't make logical
sense, it works. I'm actually writing another book right
now about the concept of ATTRACTION and how it works...

I've done a lot of research, thinking, experimenting, and
watching to get to the bottom of how and why ATTRACTION
exists, and more importantly how to create it with your
behavior, communication, etc. There's a lot more to come,
so keep your eyes open for it.

Friday, September 21, 2007


All I have to say is that the Cocky/Funny attitude is
seriously the golden ticket to getting girls. I can honestly
say now from acting this way towards girls my success has
skyrocketed in just a matter of time. Just from reading your
newsletters I have gained so much self confidence in myself
in meeting and approaching girls. I at first thought your
newsletter was a bunch of bs at first because (stupid I)
thought girls liked "nice guys". Not the case at all, I
can't thank you enough for all these tips you have shared
with us, and I'm buying your book at the end of this week!
Oh and I've seen some people comment that the cocky/funny
approach doesn't work, your 100% wrong, just try harder and
believe in yourself.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

P.S. I just read an email from a guy who went and watched
the small video clip of me teaching live at my Los Angeles
seminar. He gave me some great feedback, and it dawned on me
that I should be asking for more. If you're thinking of
coming to the New York Seminar in September, do me a favor
and go watch the clip of me, and the clip of the four
attendees talking about their experiences... and give me
some feedback. I'm trying to keep it real, and neither of
these clips was "staged". They're real, candid, and genuine.
You can see them at:
THE MAILBAG: Getting Numbers, Meeting Women Online, Comments
from Women, And All Kinds Of Good Stuff

>To SUBSCRIBE to this FREE newsletter, just go to:

...and enter your email address.

>To REMOVE yourself or switch your email address, just
click the link at the very end of this message.

***The New York Seminar is coming up fast, and it's also
FILLING up fast, so make sure you reserve your seat! Just
go to: for all the

This week we have a FANTASTIC Mailbag. All kinds of good
stuff, so enjoy.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007


"I'm glad you noticed. I realize that this is making you
very attracted to me, but please control yourself."

Just keep coming up with new creative ways to tease,
bust on, and be a challenge.

Thanks for your email. It's a great example of how to
be creative and use the materials in a real-world

...and if you're reading this right now and you'd like
to learn more specific techniques for meeting women,
including my personal favorite Cocky and Funny lines to
use in common situations, then I'd recommend that you
download a copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating".
It's full of great ideas and techniques for meeting and
dating the kinds of women you've always wanted. Just go to: get it.

And I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Even though it's obvious that you speak English as a
second (or so) language, you get the concept... and you're
making it work for you.

To answer your questions, I really think that you're
doing the right things. When that girl hit you, you turned
it around and made it funny.

Telling a girl that she's cute like a cartoon is a
nice touch (I'm still hoping that's what you meant).

If a girl tells you that you're too funny, just say:

"That's impossible."
OK, man. First I have to tell you...


But you know what? I actually like it. I like it because
it's the real deal. You did things that I wouldn't have
necessarily done... and you did things that typically
"shouldn't have worked", but it obviously all came together
and worked out in the end because you did ENOUGH OF THE

Let's revisit some of my favorite quotes:

"My type are those with Irish ascendance, because they are
mostly honest and have freckles."

Mostly honest and freckles, huh? Interesting fetish.

"So, when I meet a girl with freckles, eyes like
a furious deep blue sea, or green eyes, like the stem of a
flower, petite women with attractively dainty build, nice
butt (we guys like it, come on), and round [breasts] (we
like that too). How can you make fun of that type of sexy
girl, when you notice that her body has a harmonious
symmetry, that does nothing but inspiring within you
pleasure and admiration?"

Eyes like a furious deep blue sea? Or green eyes... like
the stem of a flower? Harmonious symmetry? Whoa.

"I have always been funny, and separately, cocky. I never
put them together, like you put it, as a formula. So far,
that formula works. I am not a chemist, but the components
of our table salt, taken separately, is deadly to us.
Sodium and Chloride: death to us. Yet, if we put them
together, we will have its savory benefit. Same happens
when we use only being Cocky, and just being Funny: no
success, and it kills any possibilities of meeting girls."

This is an interesting way of saying it... again, a
little bit of a complete FREAKSHOW, but I like it. If you
use too much of one and too little of the other things just
won't work out.

Now that we've revisited my FAVORITE lines, let's
review some of the EFFECTIVE things you did and said.

This was funny:

"Wow, you are indeed gorgeous ... you remind me the
PowerPC girls..."

Something tells me that you actually meant the "Powder
Puff Girls", but hey, close enough.

And this whole sequence is great:

"She hit me on the shoulder, and I accused her, "Hey, that
is sexual harassment."

She laughed, and I said to my mind, "Kids, so easily getting
amused." She had not written her e-mail, and I asked her,
"Have you not written the e-mail because you forgot it?
Geeez, young people these days." (She is 29, and I am 21,

She- "Oh, my...You are too much."

Me- "For you to handle?"

She stared at me.

I slightly smiled at her, and said, "What? You like my lips?
They are not average... You should be grateful if I touch
your forehead with them."

She was laughing so hard that her face turned red, but I
never laughed, rather, would smirk."

This is real COCKY AND FUNNY in action.

LOL! "What? You like my lips? They are not average... You
should be grateful if I touch your forehead with them!!!"

Now that's funny.

You started out going down the road of "What? You like my
lips?" which sounds very cocky... over the top even. But then
you transition into the unique and original "You should be
grateful if I touch your forehead with them."

Again, it's off the wall, but it's funny and it works.
The shift in direction is funny and confusing.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Mladi novomanzele

dostali jako jeden z daru mluviciho papouska.
Nebyli tim vsak prilis nadseni, protoze vecer papousek neustale
komentoval jejich postelove aktivity. Mladik se nastval natolik, ze
prehodil pres klec velky rucnik a rekl papouskovi, ze jestli
skonci v zoo.
Druhy den rano manzele sbalili kufry a nedarilo se jim ten nejvetsi
Manzel povida:
"Milacku, ty se posadis nahoru a ja to zkusim."
Tohle nezabralo. Bylo potreba viko vice zatizit, takze zena rika:
"Drahy, ty bud nahore a ja to zkusim."
Tohle take nepomohlo, tak nakonec chlapek povida:
"Podivej, nejde to. Budeme nahore oba a pak to zkusime."
V tu chvili papousek zacal zobakem stahovat rucnik z klece a pritom si
"Zoo, nezoo, tohle proste musim videt!"

Monday, September 03, 2007

I did not mean to make this e-mail too long, but hey, I
could not help it. Mind me that I get mad when you tell us
not to make it over two paragraphs, and I see people (like
me) writing long speeches. I am not sorry, whatsoever, lol.
I know you feel great, and proud of yourself when you see
people like me being successful by following your techniques.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

She- "Oh, my...You are too much."

Me- "For you to handle?"

She stared at me.

I slightly smiled at her, and said, "What? You like my lips?
They are not average... You should be grateful if I touch
your forehead with them."

She was laughing so hard that her face turned red, but I
never laughed, rather, would smirk.

She gave me her e-mail, and I said, "Have a good night."
She replied, "You too, bye."

I said, "Wait, are you leaving like that without saying
'it was pleasure meeting you?"'

She said, "Wow, are you always like this?"

Me - "Do you mean offering kisses?"

She laughed, and said, "No, silly ... like being with this
sense of humor."

"All the time, " I said. She was quiet, staring at me, and
said, "I wish all men were like you." I said, "No, I am glad
they are not like me. They fail in trying to imitate me"
(I wanted to leave already, even though I was having a good
time). She asked me, "Why you say that?" "Hey kid, " I said,
"I really have to go ... but you forgot to write down your
phone number."

She sighed, in a good way, and wrote it down. To make
this short, I called her the same night, and she was, "Wow, I
was not expecting your call." I said, "No, I am calling you
because I forgot to wish you sweet dreams, and also checking
to see if you made it home safe." "That is so sweet of
you...," she said, and I told her that I ought to go. She
did not want me to, but I did leave. We met again, at her
house, and half an hour of me being there, and talking, I
said, "Look, I have to go." "What?! Why?" she asked. I
said, "Maybe you want to take a rest, or lay on your bed, and
you don't do it because I am here, unless you promise me that
if you lay in bed you will take me with you." She did not
say anything, nor smile, but jumped to me and kissed me.
Needless to say, I swear David, we had sex. It was great.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Me- "Oh, so, I am the right person, you like this situation,
and overall, you feel comfortable."

She- "See, you are not shy at all."

Me- "I gotta go." Like you taught me, I turned around and
walked 3 steps away from her and went back to her, "I want
your e-mail address, because I feel less shy talking to you."

She- "Oh, sure, I would LOVE that."

Me- "You would love it? Hummm, so you like guys in the
evolutive process of not being shy, eh?"

She hit me on the shoulder, and I accused her, "Hey, that
is sexual harassment."

She laughed, and I said to my mind, "Kids, so easily getting
amused." She had not written her e-mail, and I asked her,
"Have you not written the e-mail because you forgot it?
Geeez, young people these days." (She is 29, and I am 21,