Saturday, June 30, 2007


If you own a copy of my eBook "Double Your Dating", then
open up the bonus booklet called "Bridges: How To Go From
One Step To The Next... From The First Meeting To The
Bedroom" and read it again.

Get a clear picture in your mind of each of the 10
steps that are listed in that booklet, and get a clear
mental image of how each step fits into and flows into
the next.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And what happens?

Of course...

The woman puts up the resistance INSTANTLY.

It's all kinds of wrong in all kinds of ways.

It's WUSSY behavior in its purest form.

It's one of the biggest mistakes men make, period.

And of course this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Guys do this kind of "selling too far ahead" stuff all
the way along.

Guys ask things like:

"So, am I your type?"


"How do you like me so far?"


"What do you look for in an ideal partner?"



You can't do this stuff! If you do you'll create an
instant barrier to success!

So what's the alternative?

I really thought you'd never ask.

The alternative is to know all the steps from the
first meeting all the way to the bedroom (and beyond), and

If you're talking to a girl, just get her email.

If you're talking on the phone, just arrange a meeting for
a cup of tea.


This Dating Tip is going to be short and to the point.

There's a HUGE mistake that I see guys making ALL THE
TIME when it comes to women and dating.

And it goes a little somethin' like this...


For example, let's say that a guy is talking to a woman
at a coffee shop. Maybe she's sitting at the next table over
and they strike up a conversation about the weather.

Further, let's say that the woman is unusually attractive
and the man is unusually AVERAGE in his approach and method
of communicating that he's interested.

This guy might say something like:

"So, let me guess... you have a boyfriend, right?"


"OK, I have to tell you... I find you really attractive
and I'd like to take you out sometime."

I'm sure you've seen this kind of thing a thousand times
in your life.

But what's going on here? Is the guy actually asking a
casual question?


The guy is literally communicating that he'd like to

Yea, and even worse, he's doing it within a few minutes
of meeting her!

Explained differently, the guy is trying to sell the
woman on a relationship in the future based on five minutes
of conversation.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Do lékárny vstoupí ustaraný chlapík a paní magistře povídá: "Prosím
vás, mohla byste mi něco dát na... víte... totiž
já trpím soustavnou erekcí..."
"Tak to vám mohu dát byt, stravu a pět tisíc mesíčně."

Probudí se žena v noci a říká manželovi: Strašně bych se chtěla teď
milovat! Muž se podívá na hodinky a říká: Koho ti já teď ve dvě v
noci seženu?

Na lavičce v parku sedí milenecký pár a líbá se.
Přisedne chlap a hladí ženu po kolenou.
Mladík se na něj obrátí: "Co si to dovolujete?"
"Chtěl jsem manželku poprosit, aby mi dala klíče."

Sunday, June 24, 2007

If you'd like to send me a Success Story, Question,

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs max.

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask your
question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff is great"
and "I don't need to tell you how well your stuff works"
comments, but the fact is that I DO need to hear all of
the specifics... because this helps other guys to see
what's working in different situations.

3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success Story" in
the subject line of the email. I read these first.

4) At the end of the email, give me your initials and tell
me where you're from.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Depending on just HOW shy or nervous you are, you might
need to get that handled... but once you start working
with the ideas, I think you'll be VERY pleased with the

Of course, I offer a 100% no-questions, no-hassle,
no-risk guarantee. If you're not THRILLED with your
purchase, just email and ask for a refund... and you
can KEEP the materials for your time. I don't think
I can do better than that.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I know what you're talking about. I used to be VERY tense
when it came to women.

I could be out in a public place, and a woman could even
START THE CONVERSATION WITH ME... and I didn't know what
to do.

I always felt like I need to say something that would
"impress" a woman... or act "cool" so she'd like me.

I went through this for most of my adult life, actually.

I can't say that my techniques will absolutely work for
you without question. You're the one that has to use

But I will say that if you get out there and try them, I
think you'll find that they work better than anything
else, and that you'll have more success than you have
now. It took me YEARS to really figure out what women
respond to, and I really believe that ANY guy can use
the material to attract women.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hi Dave. I am a younger one. 18 to be exact. I am
interested in this book because I have never really been a
ladies' man. I am somewhat above average height; 6'1", and
I weigh 205 lbs. I am not a bad looking guy, but I just
get really tense around women. (You've probably heard this
before) After I say hi, I'm clueless. Can you help me Dave?
Are these techniques as good as they sound? (Your
newsletters seem quite convincing) Please help out one of
your youngest romantically retarded friends. Thank you.

PS: If this does work as well as you say, then expect to
hear a success story from me.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Getting "shot down" is a state of mind.

I prefer to feel sorry that a woman has missed out on an
incredible experience... not that I was "shot down".

And if a woman is actually RUDE to you, just laugh. Say
"Oh, sorry... you looked like you might be an interesting
person, but I was obviously mistaken."

Feel bad for her, and move on.

In other words, keep up the great work.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


You're doing such a great job... don't turn into a WUSS now!

The way you busted on that woman with the Eagles songs was
great. Just keep it up.

Attractive women can smell fear. You have absolutely NOTHING
to lose by talking to the "10s".

Here, try this. Next time you're out at the bar, ask one
of your friends to rate the "10s".

You'll find that your friends don't think that all of them
are 10s. We each have different taste, and YOU just happen
to think that these women are 10s. I can guarantee you that
there are other guys who think that they're 7s or even 5s.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy but Frustrated

Is it better to stick with good looking babes, or do you go
for broke with the awesome mega babes? (what a great problem
to have right?) I've been very lucky at this place, and have
only been "shot down" once when I first started going in. What
would you do Dave?

Now to bust on you....when are you coming to Texas? Seminars
is LA and NY? Why not Dallas? I'll be the first one in line
to buy a ticket!

Monday, June 11, 2007

I've gone from dating an occasional 6 or 7 up to 8's and 9's
regularly!!! (at least one a week). I go to one particular bar
regularly, and it has proven to be a gold mine for me. 8's and
9's a plenty.

So here is my problem. There are four "10's" that have recently
started coming in to the bar that I want to meet, but I choke
when it comes to approaching. I totally freeze.

I'm afraid if one of the "10's" shoots me down, the 8's and
9's will notice. I get numbers and / or leave with an 8 or 9,
but am kicking myself on the way out for not taking the chance
with the "10's".

I don't want to blow it at this place, since I've become
popular there with most of the women.
(all this in 3 months!!!!)

Friday, June 08, 2007

I was trying

to figure out an approach when she happened to
turn and looked right at me, so I got off my bar stool went
over and said "Can I ask you something?" She said "Sure, what?"
I then asked "Are you going to sing any more Eagles songs?'"
She says " I guess I can do a request" (semi-teasing). I say
"Then please don't sing any more Eagle songs, cuz I really
like them", then I turned and walked back to my bar stool.
Almost immediately I heard "Hey a**hole!!!" I turned and there
she was, madder than hell, I started cracking up- she started
laughing too, sat down with me...and the rest is history.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

It happened just cuz I busted on her when every one else was
drooling over her and buying her drinks and telling her she
was beautiful, blah, blah, blah. She was singing Desperado at
a karaoke bar with about 8 cowboys drooling all over
themselves and hovering around her. She is drool worthy, a
true "10" a gorgeous face and a body that is straight out of
Playboy, she does some modeling part time.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I've got a great success story I'd like to share... more
like 20, and that's not an exaggeration! But I also need
some help. Then I'm gonna bust on you some! Yeah you Yoda!

For those of you who haven't got this book yet, get it!

I got burned on 2 other books before I got smart and got
Double Your Dating, and Bridges is absolutely a must read!!!
For those of you who get Dave's emails and haven't gotten
the book.. and maybe you've gotten lucky by scoring a few
emails and numbers and then choke cuz you don't know what to
do next I've got 2 words for ya....HA! HA!

Get off the fence and get his books! They work!!! As for
the guy who is 50 and wonders if it will work for him and if
he can date young sexy babes...Duhhh.

I'm 47, only average looks, and in the last 3 months have
gone out with babes from 27 to 47. I even had one gorgeous 32
year old take me to lunch! Take Me!!!! It turned into an all
day date, with me leaving her place the next morning. Again,
you need to read Bridges!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Let's see...

I don't think that if you're fat, have pimples like crazy
AND have hair all over your body that Cocky and Funny will

Maybe if you JUST have hair all over and pimples, or pimples
and you're fat, OR EVEN hair all over and fat.

But all three? No, I don't think so.

Cocky and Funny is really intended for the slim, hairless,
and those of clear complexion.

What the hell kind of question is this?

If you're fat, pimply, and hairy, then I think you might
want to stop eating so much Pizza Hut, and maybe take a
shower or something. Maybe some Oxy for the zits, man.

"OK, OK, let's say that you're REALLY ugly... like worse
than the Pre-Cogs in Minority Report... And let's say that
you have a REALLY REALLY small weiner... And let's say
that you're a total dumb-ass...


If you wish for me to make fun of you further in front of
an audience of thousands, feel free to email again.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

hey david

u really know what ur talkin about, this stuff works like a
charm. In your last news letter you had a girls email in it,
and she said that she would fall over and open her legs for any
man who used the c&f whether he was GOOD LOOKING or NOT. so my
question is how much does looks really matter. lets say u got
pimples like crazy and ur really fat and u have hair all over
ur body (not that i have a lot of this) can u still attract hot
girls if you've mastered the cocky and funny stuff? thats my
question. i was just wondering. thanx.

J from IN

Friday, June 01, 2007

Hi David,

I have only one word for you to start with, and I guess you
know in which context to place it:

==> "Damn" <==

When I was reading your book, say about a month or 4 ago, I
thought to my self, this wisenoze thinks he knows it all, I
hope he don't expect me to believe all that sh**.

Now, 3 months later, I must confess......"Damn"

E., Belgium


Well, thank you.

I think.