Saturday, March 24, 2007


I'll try to keep this short. First of all, your book is
great. Great tips, great guidelines. Second, as a proof
of success, a few nights ago I went out with some friends,
and tried something new, based on your guidelines. I saw
this hot girl at the bar, asking for a drink. And instead
of complimenting her on her great physical looks, I said
hi to her and told her I liked how her unusual belt looked
on her. That's it. And then turned around and walked away.
I didn't even let her talk. Ten seconds later she comes
to where I was with a friend and said to me "the good
thing is that it keeps my pants in their place", and
everything worked from there. We began to talk, etc.
I would have never done that before. I gave it a try, and
the outcome was good. That same night I stayed away from
the usual "you are pretty, blah, blah" and focused on
other things, trying to start a conversation in a C&F way,
and it works better than the usual stuff. I met about 4
girls that night. Got the hot girl's email address.

I also wanted to ask you for advice on something. After
that night's success, last night I went out to a dance
club and this is the scenario. Crowded place, loud music,
pretty girl seated in a table with other friends (guys and
girls). Can't quite assure if good eye contact is being
made because of the club lights. Let's assume there is. I
did notice she looked at me about 3 times. She never leaves
the table, she is seated between her friends (hard to
approach her). I didn't know what to do in order to have
her leave the table to try some talking. This is a major
problem. You can't just go there and approach her in front
of all her friends (can I?) I had to do something! I waited
over an hour to see if she moved, but she didn't. So I
decided to write a message on a napkin and have the waiter
give it to her. I thought this at least would define is she
was interested or not, and then move on to other target if
she wasn't. I wrote something like this: "Since I haven't
been able to run into you apart from your table, I decided
to send you this note..." and then complimented her on a
prop she had, etc, (C&F) I thought that if she was
interested she then would move to the bar, or somewhere
else where we could meet and talk. A few minutes before I
was going to send her the note, she and one of her
girlfriends stepped away from the table. While I was
watching where she was going to stop (I try not to hit on
a girl while she is moving), I realized she was leaving the
place. I thought she might come back because she didn't say
goodbye to her other friends. She never came back. She left
with a girl, but she isn't lesbian or bi either (I know who
she is). So at the end of the night (2 hours later) I
approached one of her girlfriends and asked her to give
the note to the girl (I wrote down my email). I told her I
was going to talk to her and give her the note personally,
but she had left and I couldn't do it. Her friend asked me
"so this message is from who?", I said "the guy with the
black shirt, necklace with a shark tooth, from the table
next to yours". I don't even know if she will remember, or
if she noticed because of the "unconfirmed" eye contact.
I need feedback on this, man. How do you approach a girl
in a scenario like this? What would you have done? I think
what I did is wrong, giving the note to her friend, but what
the hell. We all have to make mistakes to improve on this,
right? Thanks!! Keep up the good work. Waiting for Episode
II of Double your Dating.

R.M. from Miami