Monday, July 30, 2007

Hi David,

I figured I'd give this a try since I'm running out of ideas.
About 3 months back I met a beautiful spanish girl from Miami
after spending 2 months of talking to her online. The night
before we met I really screwed up by getting in an argument
with her and telling her not to email me again. (Idiot I
know!) The next day I regretted it terribly but I got an
email back from her saying it was ok and she was happy, and
that God told her I wasn't the guy for her anyway. I felt
horrible. I ended up getting her to meet me the same day,
brought her a rose, and just walked around the mall and
talked with her. She was absolutely beautiful and I could
almost feel tears in my eyes because I wanted her so much
and yet it seemed there's nothing I can do. We spent about 3
hours just talking and then we departed because she had to
leave in a hurry to get home. We talked online again and I
managed to blurt out "Are you ever going to tell me why you
aren't interested in me?" and she responded by saying "lol
it's a long story. it's like I've known you all my life,
just not as a boyfriend." I know I tried to move too fast,
and I did make some mistakes. But now I feel it's hopeless.
She wants to be friends with me, but nothing more and I can't
see it turning into more. It's like in front of me is this
bag of a million dollars that I just want to take, have a
great time with and so forth..but I know the money isn't
mine and all I can do is stare at it, wishing it was mine.
I know it's stupid but just thinking how much I want her and
knowing I don't stand a chance almost makes my eyes misty. I
can't even meet her in person anymore because I keep
imagining her finding a boyfriend and then I'll have to
pretend I'm happy for when I know it would kill me. I just
want to forget about her but I can't.. I don't know what to
do, it's driving me crazy.. I've never wanted anyone in my
life so much, and it's the only girl that I want is the one
I can't have. Is there anything I can do? Is it time to give
up? How can I forget about the most beautiful woman I've
ever met in my life? Thank you for any help it is greatly