Tuesday, October 31, 2006

In my experience, if a woman knows that you're only
interested in sex, she'll be OK with that.

The problems come up when you start calling all the
time, seeing her a lot, and acting like you care for

At this point a woman starts to become emotionally
attached to you. She thinks that you're becoming her

If you don't want to be a boyfriend, then don't act
like one!

Monday, October 30, 2006


If you're at that stage where you'd like to use your newly
found success to attract only "sex buddies"... and you
don't want the women you date to think of you as their
"boyfriend", then DON'T ACT LIKE ONE.

Don't call more than once or twice a week. Don't stay on
the phone for more than 5 or 10 minutes. Don't see her
more than once or twice a week.


I know this sounds rather simple, but think about it...

Women are just as interested in sex as men are.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi Dave,


Well, let me start with my story. I'm average guy, 22
years old. I always had the fear to approach beautiful
women. I'm funny by nature, but only with my friends.
I've totally changed my behavior with women, when I've
read your book. I now meet women on every step (bar,
caffe, library,...), using your C&F approach and a lot
of them are in my bed in a week or so. Now the only
problem at the moment is, that all of those women want a
commitment. But I would love to be just a "sex-buddy";).
Of course, they don't want to hear about that. So after
first sex, when I try to explain to her, what I want,
either she gets mad and I can go ;) or I am the biggest
male egoist... bla bla bla.

So, tell me, is there any way to do that with success?

Tnx again,

B. from Slovenia

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Well, I'm not the relationship expert, so I'm not going to
address how you should choose a woman to settle down with...

But I will comment on your question of whether or not there
is a point when you should stop "playing games" and "be
nice to these women".

The mindset and techniques that I teach are not my idea of
a "short term technique to get laid". Once you start using
the methods, you'll find that women respond to them on an
ONGOING basis. In other words, if you can keep up the
charming, Cocky and Funny attitude, it will keep a woman
feeling attracted to you FOREVER.

"Nice" is not a word that you want associated with yourself,
in my opinion. Women aren't ATTRACTED to guys who are "nice".

Be interesting, unpredictable... even thoughtful and original.

But don't be NICE.

Think about it.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I want to meet a nice girl and settle down.
Firstly, how can I figure out which one of these girls
is the BEST for me in terms of personality and chemistry.
My last relationship lasted a year and a half and did not
work because we were always busting each others chops.
Secondly, I think there is a point when we just need to
stop playing games and be nice to these women... What do
you think?


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hi Dave:

I have been reading your material for a few months now.
One of the best things I learned about your work is how
to get e-mail addresses and phone numbers from women. I
have great success at this point. This has also helped
my business.

I need help in two areas that involves taking it to the
next level.

Monday, October 23, 2006

But then, as I got to know more and more guys who were
VERY successful with women, I realized that it came down
to their personalities more than anything else... including
looks, height, money, etc.

In fact, MOST of the guys who I've met that are very
successful with women aren't rich at all.

You need to learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION by
using your personality. That's the ticket.


Sunday, October 22, 2006



First of all, YES, there are women who will only talk
to you if you have money...


If a woman feels the magical emotion of ATTRACTION, then
it matters not how much money you have.

I used to believe that it was probably only guys who had
nice cars and lots of cash got to go out with all the

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I have been reading your articles and from other guys
out there trying to improve their macking skills, your
articles and tips are on point on how to be a mack
with the ladies, but I feel that because of a negative
experiences with women in my teenage and college years,
really hold me back from being the mack that is inside
of me along, now in my mid-twenties, I need to get
passed this negative experiences with women, I have no
problem talking to women or having a conversation, but
i don't have my own place, my income is very low at
this moment, this make it even harder for me, could you
give me some advice to get pass this fear that because
i have very little now plus the past experience with
women in the past, plus I live in nyc where women are
into themselves, and a man without his own place, car,
and little money are looked at like "why are you talking
to me, you have nothing to offer me."


Friday, October 20, 2006


Well, thank you for your letter. I truly appreciate your
honesty and directness.

Most men can't believe that what you're saying could
actually be true, but as we both know, it quite often is.

The interesting thing you say (which I agree with) is:

"I would never tell him how to do it."


Translation for guys: If you don't know what you're doing
when it comes to women, LEARN.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I just wanted to say thank you, from all the
women out here in single land. Out of curiosity, I
clicked on a link from [another website] to see what
all this great advice was about. just from reading
about your "kiss test" I knew you had figured it out.
I like being hit on by a confident assertive man.
I also like a man who can figure it out that I'm not
interested. Honestly, I will fall over and spread
my legs for any man that does the right things
whether he's extremely attractive or not. I would
never tell him how to do it. I guess that's your job.
Anyway, like I said, I just wanted to thank you.
I personally hope I get hit on in the grocery store
by someone who has read your book!



Monday, October 16, 2006

C. from MD

Let me ask you a question...

Why in the world would you want to be with a woman who has
a "suicidal control freak" boyfriend fetish?

When you meet a woman like this, the warning bells should
be going off in your head... "Danger Will Robinson, Danger!"

Do yourself a HUGE favor. Find a woman who's interesting
and "challenging" like her that DOESN'T have a psycho
neurotic boyfriend... and don't turn into one.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My question,

one girl in particular I find really
attractive and the most challenging (which I like)
still has a "Control Freak" boyfriend, with whom I
think she’s afraid to break up with. He's the kind of
guy that would threaten to kill himself if she were
to leave him, but basically uses her for sex, and
controls most aspects of her life. Should I just
stop talking to her? Or keep bustin her balls about
why she’s still with him? Because I find myself
feeling some sort of sympathy for her, and its
affecting my "cocky and funny" routine (with her
at least).

Thanks for your help!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hey Dave,

First off, I want to thank you for spreading your
wisdom. I bought your book two weeks ago after
reading several of your newsletters, and it was the
answer to most of my prayers. I've gone from dating
a girl maybe two women in a year, to dating 3 women
at once, all 3 call me every day, and this was before
I even bought the book, just from the advice from
your emails!! You have definitely "Doubled" my

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I think that the basic idea is good, but I'd say that you're
probably better off seeing who can get the most email
addresses - instead of seeing who can get shut down.

If you go out with the specific idea of being rude, crude,
a jerk, etc. I think you're working on the wrong outcome.

I get what you're saying about how this might make you "numb"
to future rejection...

But I think you'll learn a lot more if you take the approach
of "We're each going to approach 50 women today, and let's
see who can get the most email addresses". Focus on what you
want, not what you don't want.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Try out any

approach - good or bad - you can think of. Be rude, crude,
funny, serious, a nice guy, a jerk, whatever you want, and
take notes on how the girls react. If she slaps your face,
that's fine because that's the goal. And if she doesn't
shoot you down, that's even better. After a night like
this you'll become a bit 'numb' when you are rejected in
the future, and you'll have a better understanding of how
girls react to being hit on. If necessary go to a
different city for the weekend and try it out there, so
that you aren't afraid of running into these girls again.

- C.L.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


It seems like a lot of the guys who subscribe to your
newsletter and buy the book - myself included - are average
guys who have trouble with girls just because they are
afraid of getting rejected. I've got an idea that might
help. Get two or three good friends together and have a
'contest' where the goal is to get shot down. Spend a day
or a night out in clubs, coffee shops, malls, etc. going up
to girls with the sole intention of having them reject you,
and whoever gets rejected the most times wins.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Take a cue from Han Solo...

Say "I know".

You might throw in a sly half-smile to let her know that
you're having fun after you say it.

As far as your question of "Is it OK to tell her that I
love her too?" I can't answer that. You're at a stage
that is past our topic here.

I think that love and relationships are great, but since
this isn't the area that I choose to talk about, you're
going to have to decide for yourself.

Just don't turn into a wussy... that's bad no matter what.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Dave, love your book. I have learned more about women in
the last two months than I knew in my lifetime. The teasing
and being cocky/funny really turns them on. I have know
this girl for some time and we were mostly friends. Just
lately she said to me "I love you R,". Is it ok for me to
tell her I love her too or is it better to say nothing and
just smile which I did so far.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

4) I mentioned in one of recent newsletters that I got an
email from a guy who had his picture taken with some
dolphins... and that he's getting tons of responses from
that. I've never done it myself, but it sounds like a great

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

) Be charming and funny (also known as COCKY and funny) in
your replies (or in your ad, if you write your own). Say
things like "I was looking through all these ads here on
the internet thinking to myself "Look at all the poor,
desperate, lonely women..." and then I saw your ad and
thought to myself "Hey, here's a poor, desperate, lonely
woman that's actually CUTE..." so I thought I'd write and
see if you're as interesting on the inside as you are in
this picture..."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

2) If you're going to use the personals, look at the new
ads that are placed daily, and respond as soon as a woman
places her ad. Attractive women typically get 50-100
responses per DAY to personal ads, and it's very easy to
get overwhelmed. You'll notice that a lot of women take
their ads down after just a few days... this is why.

Monday, October 02, 2006

U doktora

Přijde chlap k doktorovi. Pane doktore mě uhnívá.
> Ukažte...
> chlape co s tím máte, vylezte na židli, HMMmmmm
pěkný, skočte dolů, no vidíte upadlo to samo.

Pták ohnívák
Přijde pán k doktorovi a povídá...
Pane doktore, já mám ptáka ohníváka...
Tak ukažte.
Chlap se svlíkne a doktor na něj...
Jak to, vždyť nesvítí...
No jooo, nesvítí, ale ohnívá....

Nechci to chytit podruhý
›oustá chlap se ženskou a když už je po všem, tak
se ho ženská zeptá...
Prosím Vás... A nemáte náhodou AIDS ?
AIDS ? Ne, to opravdu nemám...
No to sem si oddychla. Už jsem se bála, že bych to
chytila podruhý...

Radši se nechala přeject
Dvě starý panny sledují jak kohout honí slepici.
slepice utíka, utíká až vběhne na silnici kde ji
přejede auto. Jedna stará panna povída: "Vidíš
radši se nechala přeject".

Sunday, October 01, 2006


You've asked some questions that really require more of an
in-depth treatment... but here are a few pointers that have
taken me YEARS to figure out:

1) You'll get more responses in general by replying to
personal ads placed by women than you will by placing your
own ad (Unless you're a master of writing personal ads).