Monday, July 30, 2007


Kind Regards,



Oh lord. I'm slapping my head right now... somebody stop me.

Someone needs to shake the Wuss out of you!

Wake up, and stop this immediately!

You need serious help before you hurt yourself. Go to:

...before it's too late. And maybe read a couple of Wayne
Dyer books from the 70s so you can get control of those
emotions. You're freaking me out over here.


Hey dave you rock man i have been using your techniques
for about 6 months, and i can't believe how good it
works..Not only that but most of my friends want to know
what the hell i am doing to get all these girls, I have
actually picked up and slept with three different girls
this week , and if i had more free time it could have
been more like 4 or 5. There are 2 problems though that
i do find, when i have girls always hanging around me i
find that there are always guys that want to hang around
me too, and no word of a lie i have had guys buy me
drinks just to hang out with me, Maybe you should write
another book how to keep the pathetic males away from
the c$f technique, i'll never let the cat out of the bag
the best i can do for them is give them your website :)
2) The more girls i date the more confident i get which
means loooook out ladies...lolol :) seeeya dave keep up
the good work, also try to get a seminar in Toronto k


Well then, you're tearing it up out there.

Your techniques are working so well that even GUYS are
attracted to you. I don't know whether to kiss your or
tell you to tone it down.

Maybe neither.