Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation and
summary of some of my favorite concepts:
1) Read my book "Double Your Dating"
2) Actually use the material and mentally rehearse
3) Start from where you're at
4) Be Cocky and Funny
5) Show complete indifference
6) Use illogical Jedi-Level mind power to create ATTRACTION
First of all, your story would make no sense at all to
most guys. They would say "Yea, whatever. She was probably
abused as a child and wants you to be her daddy" or "Well,
if I worked at a gym I could do that too".
Of course, you realize that this had nothing to do with
either... this was a result of you learning about how
women work, then preparing, then taking action. I couldn't
be more impressed.
Now let's talk about some of the things that were
happening that most people would MISS when reading the
You mentioned your exercise of keeping eye contact
until women look away. This is very powerful. I am guilty
of not addressing this issue more often, and I'm glad
you mentioned it here.
If you can learn this skill, it will communicate
powerfully for you. Great job.
You said "I guess all that mental practice paid off.
With out even thinking or pausing the words just came out."
This is the result of preparation and mental rehearsal.
This wasn't "luck". Even though the words were unique to
the situation, the MESSAGE was delivered clearly. By
learning how to better communicate in the language that
women understand, you created magic.
And as for the words themselves...
You just gotta love saying: "Hey that's great I am happy
for you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is
probably a major accomplishment for you but to the rest a
the world this is kinda normal so you might not want to go
telling every stranger you see" to a hot woman at the gym!
You INSTANTLY took a situation that would normally strip
a man of all his composure and personal power, and then
REFRAMED her words in a way that caused HER to look like
the socially inept one.
Then you did something equally powerful:
In effect, you busted on her, then PROVED BEYOND THE
Actions really do speak louder than words... most guys
would have messed up that situation by standing around
waiting for her to say something. You did the right thing
by walking away.
When you combine all of these factors together, you
get a totally illogical outcome: ATTRACTION.
She realized that you weren't just some other loser
who hoped to maybe get a date by kissing up to her...
you turned out to be on of the EXCEPTIONAL men in the
world who have more personal power than her, and one of
the even MORE exceptional men who also know how to
This combination made her feel a feeling that you
can't create by DECIDING that you want it. It can only
be created by TRIGGERING IT.
Finally, I'd like to comment on the fact that SHE
asked YOU for YOUR number. You realize that it's not
typical for a woman to approach a man, apologize, then
ask for his number.
Women will often ask a man for his number just to
get rid of him. But not in a situation like this one.
This was different. She apologized, then told you that
she's tired of being picked up by losers... then asked
for your number. This was, in effect, her telling you
that she sees you DIFFERENTLY.