Sunday, April 29, 2007


You're dating four hot women ages 19-26, and you're having
sex daily.

Yea, I can sure see how all that scheduling would get you
down.... sounds like a TOTAL BUMMER.

Hey, I have an idea...

Maybe you should rent a 5 bedroom house, and then rent out
four of the rooms to your dates. You could mark up the
rents so you could cover the entire cost... FREE RENT FOR

But wait... that's not even the good part.

You could run down to Office Depot and get one of those
big "white boards", create a huge monthly calendar, and put
it up in the kitchen. This way, all of your dates could

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I purchased your book and received most of your e-mails.
Your book is an excellent guide for success with women.
After reading your book I began to see things more clearly
regarding women and dating.

I am currently dating four women at the same time. They
are all pretty hot and very into me. I use your Cocky and
Funny approach with a touch of sarcasm. I have bedded
these girls down within one or two dates. Their ages range
from 19 to 26 and sex is a daily thing.

However, I grow tired of scheduling all these women. What
should I do? I don't want to go without sex like I use to
before reading your book.

Yours Truly,


Saturday, April 21, 2007


Congratulations. One thing that really stood out for me
in your letter was:

"It had been a while and I had moved on, so I (naturally)
acted like I didn't want her, and I busted her balls in
every way possible. She laughed so hard and got really
excited. Well, the next month she called me about 10
times to try to set up a time to meet."

Women have a very specialized and highly advanced "Wuss
Detection System". One of the clues that they use in
Wuss-Detection is when a guy is overly clingy or shows
TOO MUCH interest.

I know that this doesn't make a whole bunch of LOGICAL
sense, but then again, almost NOTHING makes logical
sense when it comes to ATTRACTION.

Keep up the good work, and I hope you're able to put
your relationship back together... sounds like it was
a great thing.

Just remember to NOT BE A WUSSY anymore!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hello David,

Just wanted to let you know of a little twist of fate I
experienced. After reading your techniques, I made a
decision to try them out on a good female friend of mine.
Her and I used to be a couple, but four years into it
things got sour and the relationship ended. I was
absolutely crushed and felt emotionally numb. A few months
went by and I decided to get over the possibility of us
getting back together. I had pondered possible reasons
as to why our relationship ended. It had seemed as if she
just one day awoke and saw me as a friend instead of a
mate... but I came to the realization that I had become a
wussy and just stumbled into that self defeating
clinginess. We remained friends, but I was obviously still
attracted to her. Well, I purchased your book and decided
to move on with my life and let her go forever. Ironically,
after some intense practice, I ran into her at the mall and
we started talking. It had been a while and I had moved
on, so I (naturally) acted like I didn't want her, and I
busted her balls in every way possible. She laughed so hard
and got really excited. Well, the next month she called me
about 10 times to try to set up a time to meet. Finally, I
visited her house for old times sake, applied cocky funny
(which was downright second nature at this point), and she
started crawling all over me! I wasn't even pursuing her.
Four years of me being a wussy and your techniques pulled me
out of it. Very powerful stuff! Just emailed to let
everyone know that this stuff works. It also helps if you
actually get a grip of your life and don't let past loves
drag you down. Get over it and move will only make
you more attractive! Take care and thanks.

Monday, April 16, 2007



Just wanted to mention a couple of quick things before we
get into another great Mailbag:

1) The New York seminar is almost finished being arranged.
It looks like it's going to be Friday-Sunday, the last
week of September. I'm planning for a Midtown Manhattan
location... it's central to everything, and it looks like
I'm getting a VERY reasonable hotel rate for guests. Keep
your eyes open for more info soon. If you have any
questions, send an email to

2) From time to time I want to remind you that every one
of the emails contained in my newsletters is real and
authentic... I don't have my mom write these, and I don't
sit and come up with them myself! Also, I get literally
thousands of emails per month from various sources, and
it's just not physically possible for me to answer every
email. If you have a Success Story and question for me,
just email it to and
keep it short. Share something that's working for you
first... I like those emails best!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

OK, here's the plug: If you haven't downloaded
your copy of my book "Double Your Dating", then get
to it! Go to:

...right now and get it. I promise that EVERYTHING in
these newsletters will make more sense to you after
you've read it. You'll learn all about how to make
women feel that illogical, mystical, GUT LEVEL
ATTRACTION with your communication and personality.

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big difference, isn't it?

Here's one for you. Do nice women stay with jerks
because they feel affection for them? In most cases I'd
doubt it. It's because the jerk is ATTRACTIVE in one
way or another.

What I've done is take the parts of the 'jerk'
personality... the parts that are ATTRACTIVE to women,
and use just those without the ABUSIVE components.

Teasing, busting her balls, creating tension,
playing hard to get, not giving her what she wants,
being unpredictable, being cocky and funny are all
ways to push the "attraction buttons" without being
abusive or mean.

Then, it's up to YOU whether you'd like to buy
gifts, pay for dinners, and do favors. When gifts
and favors are presented in the context of being an
already attractive, cocky and funny man, then they
take on a whole new meaning. They lead to a stronger
feeling of affection, devotion and commitment...

WARNING: Don't turn into a wuss just because you
decide that you really like a girl. Don't start
calling her 47 times a day and saying "Ohh, baby I
really miss you." Use gifts, favors, and romance
like a spice... not the main dish.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


If you've been reading my newsletters, and you've
read my book "Double Your Dating", then there's a good
chance that somewhere along the way you've said to
yourself "Does this guy think that long-term relationships
are healthy?"

To set the record books straight, I want to say:

Yes, I think that long-term relationships are wonderful,
healthy, and can be a great source of joy and happiness.

In fact, I've had many of them myself, and have enjoyed
some great times as a result.

But here's the distinction: If you don't learn how to
a woman feel ATTRACTED to you at the VERY BEGINNING, then
you are taking a HUGE risk. Namely, that you're going to
invest all of your time, effort, energy, emotions, gifts,
money, and life pursuing someone who may or may not ever
feel the same way about you.

If, on the other hand, you master the art of making
women feel that GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION using only your
personality, then you won't be GAMBLING as much when it
comes to women and relationships.

NOTE: My experience is that many of the things that
us guys do to try to attract a woman, i.e. buying gifts,
doing favors, etc. actually lead to the woman finding us
UN-attractive, because she sees these as needy behaviors
performed by a weak man that hide ulterior motives.

I think that long-term relationships are great. I
just don't like the idea of investing a lot of time,
energy, and money if I have no idea whether a girl even
likes me! No thanks.

How much better it is to know how to make a woman
feel that excitement, tension, and attraction at the
VERY BEGINNING. This way you're not out-of-control,
wondering where you stand. Then, if you decide that
this is someone that you'd like to spend more time
with in the future, you can start doing more
traditional "relationship" things (if YOU choose).

A relationship based on two people enjoying
each other's company and personalities is FAR stronger,
in my opinion, than one based on gifts, money and

Take a moment right now, and think about the
difference between ATTRACTION and AFFECTION. Think
about the things that make you feel ATTRACTED to a
woman, and then think about the things that make you
feel AFFECTION for a woman.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

All because of your eye contact, followed by a perfect
execution of the Cocky and Funny attitude, followed by an
excellent physical demonstration of indifference.

Again, to most men this would make no sense at all.
If you consulted most relationship books, they would
argue that this type of approach would NEVER work. I
mean, men are supposed to "court" women, compliment
them... pursue them with gifts and favors, right?

Yea, right.

The problem is that the mainstream relationship
books forgot to title the chapter that suggests this
kind of behavior "HOW TO BE THE WUSS WOMEN RUN FROM" or

The question I have for you is...


And can you do what it takes to get yourself from
where you are to where you actually need to be in
order to attract the kinds of women that you would
like to meet and date?

It can be done, but you're going to have to do it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Niiiiice one.

Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation and
summary of some of my favorite concepts:

1) Read my book "Double Your Dating"
2) Actually use the material and mentally rehearse
3) Start from where you're at
4) Be Cocky and Funny
5) Show complete indifference
6) Use illogical Jedi-Level mind power to create ATTRACTION

First of all, your story would make no sense at all to
most guys. They would say "Yea, whatever. She was probably
abused as a child and wants you to be her daddy" or "Well,
if I worked at a gym I could do that too".

Of course, you realize that this had nothing to do with
either... this was a result of you learning about how
women work, then preparing, then taking action. I couldn't
be more impressed.

Now let's talk about some of the things that were
happening that most people would MISS when reading the

You mentioned your exercise of keeping eye contact
until women look away. This is very powerful. I am guilty
of not addressing this issue more often, and I'm glad
you mentioned it here.

If you can learn this skill, it will communicate
powerfully for you. Great job.

You said "I guess all that mental practice paid off.
With out even thinking or pausing the words just came out."

This is the result of preparation and mental rehearsal.
This wasn't "luck". Even though the words were unique to
the situation, the MESSAGE was delivered clearly. By
learning how to better communicate in the language that
women understand, you created magic.

And as for the words themselves...

You just gotta love saying: "Hey that's great I am happy
for you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is
probably a major accomplishment for you but to the rest a
the world this is kinda normal so you might not want to go
telling every stranger you see" to a hot woman at the gym!

You INSTANTLY took a situation that would normally strip
a man of all his composure and personal power, and then
REFRAMED her words in a way that caused HER to look like
the socially inept one.

Then you did something equally powerful:


In effect, you busted on her, then PROVED BEYOND THE
Actions really do speak louder than words... most guys
would have messed up that situation by standing around
waiting for her to say something. You did the right thing
by walking away.

When you combine all of these factors together, you
get a totally illogical outcome: ATTRACTION.

She realized that you weren't just some other loser
who hoped to maybe get a date by kissing up to her...
you turned out to be on of the EXCEPTIONAL men in the
world who have more personal power than her, and one of
the even MORE exceptional men who also know how to

This combination made her feel a feeling that you
can't create by DECIDING that you want it. It can only
be created by TRIGGERING IT.

Finally, I'd like to comment on the fact that SHE
asked YOU for YOUR number. You realize that it's not
typical for a woman to approach a man, apologize, then
ask for his number.

Women will often ask a man for his number just to
get rid of him. But not in a situation like this one.
This was different. She apologized, then told you that
she's tired of being picked up by losers... then asked
for your number. This was, in effect, her telling you
that she sees you DIFFERENTLY.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Just wanted

to share a little bit of what your lessons have
done for me. I read your book and started concentrating on
what I thought was my weak points. I did as your book
recommended and started picturing myself as the cocky funny
person I wanted to be. I even did the whole daydream
practice thing everyday. I work at a fitness center so I
see lots of hot women all the time. My biggest weakness is
that I look away quickly after eye contact is made. I
decided that before I started trying to approach women I
would make it my goal for a couple of weeks to just make
eye contact and hold it until they looked away. Ok, here is
the good part. After practicing eye contact for a couple of
weeks and doing the whole mental exercise thing, I was at
work one day working out after my break and was practicing
my eye contact thing between sets with this really hot girl
near the dumbbell rack.

I knew she noticed but it never bothered me cause I had no
intentions of acting. Well, I had to go over to get a set
of dumbbells for my next exercise and as I got close to
where she was she suddenly turned around and said "I have
a boyfriend" and turned around. Normally I would have kinda
stood there in shock and said nothing but, I guess all that
mental practice paid off. With out even thinking or pausing
the words just came out. I said "Hey that's great I am happy
for you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is
probably a major accomplishment for you but to the rest a
the world this is kinda normal so you might not want to go
telling every stranger you see." Then I just walked off
with my weights to do my sets. 5 min later she comes over
to me and apologizes and asks for my number. Turns out she
didn't have a boyfriend but was just tired of being picked
up by losers while she was trying to do a workout. Thanks
for the pleasant surprise!


Sunday, April 01, 2007

You are the man.

Since most guys probably missed the KEY
part of your story, I'll recap and explain.

Most men hesitate when they see a woman that they're attracted
to. This is mistake number 1.

Next, most guys don't like the idea of letting a woman know
that they're INTERESTED in a woman romantically. So they try
to come up with nice, friendly, wussish things to say so they
don't come across like they're attracted. This is mistake
number 2.

Now, of course you don't want to jump on a woman or approach
her in a menacing way, and of course you don't want to act like
you're so attracted to her that you'd lay down in traffic for
a date with her...

But what you did was neither.

When a man realizes the things you've realized, and then takes
action like this, it has an INSTANT AND POWERFUL effect on a
woman. It triggers her ATTRACTION mechanism DIRECTLY... no
talk, no lines, no BS.

The problem, of course, is that most guys have no idea how
this dynamic works, and therefore never take the specific
correct actions that lead to this kind of awesome success.

Thanks for the email.

...those were some great examples of how to do things right.
This week I've been getting an unbelievable amount of email
from guys who have read my book "Double Your Dating" who
have written to tell me their awesome success stories. I
wish I could include all of them, but I literally get
hundreds of emails a week, and there is just no way that I
can include them all. If you've been reading these
newsletters, and you'd like to get ALL of my very best
thinking on how to be more successful at attracting women,
then I'd recommend that you download a copy of my online
eBook "Double Your Dating". It's packed with all of the
secrets it's taken me years to learn and discover. and get your copy. You'll be reading it in just a
few minutes from right now, thanks to the power of the

Thanks for tuning in, and I'll talk to you again soon.

***If you'd like to send me a Success Story, Question,
or Comment, follow these guidelines***

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs max.

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask your
question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff is great"
and "I don't need to tell you how well your stuff works"
comments, but the fact is that I DO need to hear all of
the specifics... because this helps other guys to see
what's working in different situations.

3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success Story" in
the subject line of the email. I read these first.

4) At the end of the email, give me your initials and tell
me where you're from.

Hey Dave,

First off, I bought your book (read it twice) and think that
there are some excellent tips/ideas included for meeting and
seducing women. I feel that it was well worth the
investment, particularly being that it is matter-of-fact and
right-to-the-point, making it very easy to assimilate the

Now, on to my success story. The reason I'm writing this is
to show guys how a little bit of confidence can do wonders in
any situation. This happened in my fraternity, before a
party. I was with a few brothers, drinking a few beers and
just hanging out. Low and behold, in walked this beautiful
specimen who was a "friend from home" of one of my bros. I
was sitting on the floor, she was standing up. Normally, I'd
putter around in my attempts to pick up a babe that was that
incredible. On this fateful day, though, I was in the Zone!
I immediately made eye contact with her, smiled, held the eye
contact a 'little too long' and winked at her. The effect
that this 7-second process had on her was astounding. She
blushed a little, smiled and gave me this (I'll never forget)
"take me now" look. I stood up and said "Guy's were going to
go for a walk." I took her hand and led her out of the room,
into the hallway, and down four doors to my room. The rest
of the night, we had sex twice, danced later that night at
the house party, and just kinda hung out together after that.
If I would of done my normal procrastination process before
attempting to pick up this babe, there is no way things would
of unfolded like they did. A recap of what happened: I saw
an incredible-looking woman, made my interest known
immediately, acted on my signals within the first minute of
the encounter, showed total confidence in my approach, and
proceeded to move and interact with her as if the forthcoming
night's encounter was meant to be.

Best of Life,