Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My eBook "Double Your Dating" is the best of the best
of those ideas, all explained in detail. I personally use
every idea, concept, and technique in that book in my own
personal life. It's not a bunch of BS techniques cut
and pasted together.

If you want to really take your success with women to
the next level, then it's a "must read". Just go to: and download your copy. It's the best possible
investment you can make in your dating future.

And I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

David D.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

There are things you can do to AVOID this kind of thing
in the future.

The most important step you can take is to LEARN HOW
ATTRACTION WORKS! You need to learn this game so you know
what's happening in future situations... and, most
importantly you know what to do to make women feel attracted
to you from the beginning (and, of course, how to NOT let
your inner WUSS rear its ugly head too often).

As you know, some of my favorite ways to do this are by
being Cocky and Funny, teasing women, busting on them in a
particular way, playing hard to get, etc.

But if you want to learn how ATTRACTION works and to
make it work for YOU, then YOU'RE going to have to go out
and do it. No one else is going to do it for you.

...and if you want to learn all of MY very best secrets
and techniques, then you MUST download a copy of my online
eBook "Double Your Dating". It's jam packed with all of the
things it's taken me literally YEARS to learn about how to
make women feel ATTRACTION for you.

I did the trial-and-error thing. I tried all kinds of
stuff. In fact, I've probably tried more different ideas for
meeting women than anyone I know.

The real shift towards success came when I started making
friends with guys who were very successful with women... and
then watching what they did in person.

I found that these guys did things that THEY WEREN'T EVEN
aware of... things that made women literally pursue THEM. I
then took all of this information, and combined it with the
other things I had learned... I worked like a mad scientist
for a few years on this because I really wanted to get this
area of my life figured out.

Well, as you can imagine, I developed some pretty
amazing techniques for meeting women, getting emails and
phone numbers, taking things to a "physical" level, and
everything in between.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's difficult to un-do one of these situations once it
has reached this point.

Unfortunately, once a woman has "made up her mind" about
a guy, it's usually VERY difficult to change that mind.

If you're in a situation like this where a woman has
said "I only like you as a friend", then you're best off
going out and meeting some other women, and getting on
with your life IMMEDIATLY! Don't wait. Get on with it.

If you disappear from HER life, then turn up a month
or two later... and you're dating a few other attractive
women... she might see you in a new light.

Jealousy is a VERY powerful motivator to women, and
this is often what it takes to get a woman to see you in
a new light once you've let out your INNER-WUSSY too early
in the game.

Point: Don't try to un-do it. Just get on with your
life and quit obsessing over her.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

In your situation, you displayed the personality trait
that I refer to as WUSSY a little too early in the game.

Women generally aren't attracted to men who get too
lovey-dovey and emotional too quickly. There's not mystery
or challenge when you fall in love immediately.

And when you call 31 times a day, it only makes the
problem worse. What you need to do in these situations is
LEAN BACK more and give her some space. Give her room to
think about you and miss you.

3) The way that women communicate isn't always as "direct
and straightforward" as most of us guys would like.

If a woman wants to tell you that she isn't interested in
you in a romantic way, she'll often NOT tell you as her way
of telling you. In other words, she might just disappear for
awhile. Or she might not return calls quickly. Or she might
talk about other guys with you...

Once again, you have to put the concept of pure,
rational LOGIC out of your mind when it comes to the world

Women are subtle. They read into things and try to
tell you things indirectly. Women don't generally take what
you say at face value. They want to know what everything
REALLY means.

If you meet a girl, and after the first date you say "I
really like you, you're beautiful and I have feelings for
you" they think you said "I'm a Wuss because I fall in love
too quickly".

On the other hand, if you say "Good night, give me a call
sometime" she'll think you said "You were kind of boring,
and if you want to talk to me again you're going to have to
call me".
Women are attracted to men for reasons that most men
either don't know, don't understand, or won't accept.

As I like to say, "Attraction Isn't A Choice".

We don't think about who we'd like to feel attraction
for, it just happens on it's own in most cases.

But the thing to remember is that ATTRACTION has a
pattern. It's like a combination lock or a puzzle. There
is a way to create it if you know the "recipe". On the
other hand, if you DON'T know the recipe, then you're not
likely to figure it out by trial and error. And the reason
for this -- again -- is because IT'S NOT LOGICAL.

While men are attracted mostly to LOOKS, women are
attracted mostly to PERSONALITY TRAITS.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Again, man have their bizarre behaviors, and I'm not
trying to "badmouth" women... but in my experience women
are usually not very LOGICAL about things... and they're
ESPECIALLY illogical when it comes to relationships.

Men are perfectly logical. They want to have sex with
everything. Women aren't. They only want to have sex with
men who DON'T want to have sex with them. LOL!

My point is that you have to put your ideas about how
things "should" be OUT OF YOUR MIND. Start a new way of
thinking about things based on REALITY and not LOGIC.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

So, let's deal with these one at a time as they relate
to your situation...

1) Women are complex and often illogical (so are men, but in
different ways).

Women act on emotion and intuition more than men. They
don't do the "logical" thing as often as men.

Women walk into Starbucks and order a "fat free" cafe
mocha, and then get WHIPPED CREAM on top. No kidding. I
see it all the time...

Women will go through a full closet of clothing trying
to choose something to wear to the supermarket, then
conclude that "there's nothing to wear in here"...

Women spend $200.00 on shoes that are going to be worn
a few times...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


. I know it's a bummer, but you might take comfort
knowing that this has happened to me and just about every
guy I know MANY times.

Let me take a shot at explaining what's going on here,
and hopefully help you and the others reading this to avoid
this kind of thing as much as possible in the future.

From my perspective, there are a few main issues going on
here all at once...

1) Women are complex and often illogical (so are men, but in
different ways).

2) Women are attracted to men for reasons that most men
either don't know, don't understand, or won't accept.

3) The way that women communicate isn't always as "direct
and straightforward" as most of us guys would like.

4) It's difficult to un-do one of these situations once it
has reached this point.

5) There are things you can do to avoid this kind of thing
in the future.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Even though you live all the way on the other side of
the world from me in Cyprus, I can still feel your pain.

I think that probably every man can identify with the
following sequence:

1) Meet girl.

2) Get along well with girl.

3) Feel attracted to girl and think she is attracted to you.

4) Tell girl that you like her (after getting up the nerve).

5) Girl disappears.

6) Call girl 47 times, but still no response.

7) Finally girl turns up and says "I only like you as a
friend and sorry if I hurt you".
I really need your advise. The girl who did not EVEN
wanted to answer to my calls now sends me such

Now,I beg you please tell me what does she mean by
these words? and What should I do?

I really loved her but when she told me that she want
just to be my friend,however,it was hard for me to
believed but I accepted it and said goodbye to her
with my last message.But as you can see....!!!!

I need your idea totally,
What do think about her? and IF you suggest me to
continue being her friend What should I do now after
sending that goodbye sms? What should I reply to her
last message,what should I told her? honestly, I still
like her! but I think Im not sure is she playing with
me? and the last question, If she want me just as
friend Am I so important for her that she do not want
to lose me? and Why?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Then, after 2 hours she replyed me with this message:

Hey O. I got all your messages I'm all right for asking>.Sorry for not replying.Anyway I want to
tell u that I just want a be your friend.Sorry if I
Gave u the wrong idea, I didn't want u to
misunderstand me

With this message she told me that she doesnot want to
be my girl friend so in reply to her I wrote this(I
said good bye):

Thanks for answering.I hope you be successful in your
life everywhere with anybody and thanks for every
thing 'cause you taught me many things!

I was not expecting any reply from her but she sent
this sms right after my sms:

I enjoy being your friend.I WISH U THE BEST.Have a
nice holiday.Sorry if I made u feel bad:(

did not send her any sms but after 2 days she sent me
this sms, which really made me quite confused:

* * * * *
* * * * * *
are like stars....
you do not ALWAYS SEE
them but you know they
are ALWAYS there!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

2 days after it I again called her and this time she
didnot pickup the phone as well,So I decided to say
her every thing and tell her the truth and at least I
will know is she really likes me or not,then i sent
her this message:

Hello my A.,I sent you lots of messages BUT you
did not answered to me.Im worry about you,is every
thing all right? I want to tell you a truth...
I like you, in fact I love you. You are always in my
mind,you are everywhere,I never forget you...I REALLY

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


My name is O. im 20 years old, living in
Cyprus. Actually in my college i got interested to a

She was also good with me and many times did
somethings that means, at least for me, she is
interested to me too. Recently I got her mobile number
and i called her the day after it and she talked to me
normally BUT after a few days when i called her again
she did not answered to my call (she didnt pick the
mobile up). then I sent her this SMS:

Without U life is Black not White.Without U the world
has no hope,no light.Without U I cant go left or
right.Without U I lose my sight.THANK U MY GLASSES!

I called her 2 or 3 times after it in 3 days but she
didnot answered again.Then I sent her this SMS:

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

***If you'd like to send me a Success Story, Question,

or Comment, follow these guidelines***

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs max.

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask your

question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff is great"

and "I don't need to tell you how well your stuff works"

comments, but the fact is that I DO need to hear all of

the SPECIFICS... because this helps other guys to see

what's working in different situations.


hasn't this been an interesting one...

As always, if you're just learning about some of my ideas

and you'd like to really start being more successful with

women and dating, you need to read my book.

and download your copy. It's the very best place to start,

and you'll get a great education in how to start meeting

and dating the kinds of women that you've always wanted.

And I'll talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

Monday, February 12, 2007

OK, when you downloaded my eBook "Double Your Dating" you

also got three bonus reports. One of them was called “Sex

Secrets— How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way,

And Get Her To Do The Things You've Always Wanted”.

In that booklet I describe a sequence for REALLY getting

her aroused... and I mean REALLY.

You need to learn how to build anticipation and then

AMPLIFY it. It's really pretty simple once you're to this

stage... and ANTICIPATION is the key.

Again, read the report. It's the way.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Here's my question. Lately for some reason, I've had a

little difficulty sealing the deal. I've had two 8's in my

bedroom this week (today is friday). Door locked, hot &

heavy. Somehow, I'm batting 0 for 2 this week I keep on

hearing from the girl, "Lets take it slower." and "I don't

want to be that girl." How do I overcome these challenges.

B/c I believe its sort of like the final test that I must

pass. And apparently, I'm failing.

I need help ASAP my Avg is suffering,

"Pu$$y Patrol"


Thursday, February 08, 2007


Thanks, I have more self confidence than ever. I'm meeting

tons of 7's and 8's. When I go out with friends they get

pissed at me for "showing off." I have no problem meeting,

dating, and getting women home. In fact, some of my friends

have nicknamed me the "Pu$$y Patrol." (joke or no joke, I'll

take it as a compliment)

To everybody out there, Cocky/Funny is the key. BUY THE


Monday, February 05, 2007

Are you with me?

49 out of 50 of the other guys there either won't get her

EMAIL address, won't follow up, won't remember anything about

the girl, or will send a DUMB-ASS message...

If you do the right things over and over, you will find

success VERY often.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Yep, got a great tip for you...

Don't worry about the other guys. They don't matter.

What matters is that you use what you learned in the book

when you FOLLOW UP.

Sending interesting, funny follow-up emails is a KEY to

getting women to meet up with you again.

"Hey, nice meeting you last night. I think that you MIGHT

just be more than an another pretty face... let's get

together for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation

this week."

Thursday, February 01, 2007


First thanks for taking the time to be the # 1 male

to get enough balls to figure out women a little better

to make it easier on the rest of us. I'm 21 yrs.old and

since I got your book i've been steadily increasing my

dates w/college girls at my university. My question

though is: I go to the college bars thurs-sat w/my

buddies and we always talk to as many girls in the bar

as possible. The problem is all the other guys are doin

the same thing. I use your technique to be cocky+funny,

and get a number or e-mail address, but the girls have

talked to so many guys and after all they drink they

don't remember which guy I was even though I made a good

connection. Any tips?
